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rogue shifter 06 - torn apart Page 3
rogue shifter 06 - torn apart Read online
Page 3
"You've never seen my eyes turn orange."
"Did too. Remember that time when you were mad at Sasha and Sir Farrell for letting me climb the tree?"
"Oh. Well, what about the red one?"
"Red is a heart color. That's okay. You look pretty in red."
"That's very sweet."
"What, honey?"
"Climbing the tree was awesome. Can I do it again? I promise I won't fall."
I took a long sip of juice. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, Sinc's coming with Gabe." I was feeling nervous about seeing them.
"Her foot's healed completely?" Liam asked.
"That's what she told me on the phone." Sinc and I had been close for a while, but when she took Gabriel as her mate, we'd slowly grown apart, keeping in touch only around holidays or other special occasions. I had gone to their mating ceremony two years ago, feeling that it would have been unforgivable of me not to attend, but it was difficult to let the past go even though I sincerely wished them well.
Gabriel had been a member of a pack that had tried to kill all of us after we'd discovered that his brother, Karl, was a dark sorcerer and had taken some teen boys to use as blood slaves. Gabe had known about the bomb, but hadn't seen fit to warn us, although he'd tried to save Sinc. Unfortunately, the blast had injured her foot so badly that it had to be amputated, while the rest of us escaped relatively unharmed.
Garrett's plan to have his nest rest back in Crescent City and not on the pack property saved all of their lives. The blast was centered in the basement where they would have been resting and completely helpless.
Gabe's mother, a witch, had come up with a potion to help Sinc's foot regenerate, so along with Sinc's shifting to her snow leopard form as often as she could physically manage, her foot had actually grown back. It had taken four and a half very painful years, but she'd never given up. A shifter without a foot, wouldn't be able to run or hunt in animal form, taking away so much of the inherent joy in being a shapeshifter. She still worked with the team when she could, but usually only as a consultant.
I was sitting at the end of the table closest to Charlie's room and could hear the two boys giggling along with erratic strumming noises, none of it sounding anything like a song. But whatever he played for us later wouldn't matter in the least. Garrett and I would be so proud of him and incredibly grateful that he was healthy enough to enjoy his birthday.
As Liam and Kyle argued about some baseball game they'd watched, my thoughts drifted to Kennet. He'd come to me when Charlie was first born, appearing in my bedroom holding my day-old son in his arms and threatening to take him to the Faerie Court right then if I didn't agree to his demands. A mixed blood child would have been abused at court and Kennet knew I'd do anything to keep him away from the queen.
He demanded that he see his son twice a year for a full day—alone. I'd argued, and finally got him to allow me to come and also bring along Sinlae and Samson, my Rottweiler who happened to be a Cu Sith, a Faerie Dog. He'd reluctantly agreed to my telling Garrett, but told me that if I mentioned our arrangement to anyone else, Charlie would be taking up residence with him at court. He'd laughed at my choice of companions, but he wouldn't have agreed to anyone coming who he considered to be truly powerful, so I did what I could to protect us.
But then, just before his first visit, Charlie had gotten ill. Kennet had stayed away, probably waiting to see how the illness progressed before attempting to build any kind of relationship with his son. I mean, why bother if the kid was just going to die, right? I hadn't heard from Kennet since that first time and, although I thought it unlikely, I was keeping my fingers crossed that he'd given up on the idea of paternal visitation.
The situation with Kennet was serious, but what I worried about the most was seeing my demon trainer, Isaiah again. Shortly after Charlie's birth, I'd experienced a disturbing dream and felt compelled to summon him. He'd appeared in his true form, dressed in the usual breeches, tunic and boots, looking every bit as handsome as the last time I'd seen him. Unfortunately, his mood had deteriorated greatly.
"You are now my property!"
Not exactly the greeting I'd hoped for. "The agreement we drew up is null and void. You told me that yourself."
"The written one that we created while you were held prisoner, but not the oral agreement we made in Faerie when you turned Kennet over." He stretched out his long arm, finding his way blocked by the protection of the circle. I started to ask him a question but he shouted at me before I could get a word out. "Jacqueline!" I cringed. "I will not discuss anything at all as long as I am in this fucking circle."
Okay, so he was really mad. Like Garrett, he'd only throw out the F bomb only when furious. "If I let you out, are you going to hurt me?"
"The longer you keep me here the more likely it is that the answer will be yes."
"Either you trust me or you do not." His eyes were bright orange, a sign of intense emotion. Probably rage. Not good. My plan to protect Charlie was going up in flames.
"Please don't hurt my family or my friends. Only me, if you—if you have to." I lifted my chin, in a feeble show of bravery.
He could tell I was terrified. "I agree. My argument is not with them."
I had a last minute idea. "I invite you, Isaiah, to my home, under the usual rules and restrictions." I smeared the salt with my foot and broke the circle, backing up and hoping that my invitation would keep him in line as it had in the past.
Isaiah, his expression smoldering, walked straight toward me, grabbed my shoulder and shoved me against a tree. My teeth rattled. "I should teach you a lesson, little demon."
"I'm sorry." At this point I was shaking.
"I explained how it feels to be summoned. I was under the mistaken impression that you understood. That you respected my request."
"I do." I was cowering under his furious gaze and would probably be whimpering soon. When he'd snarled at me, I'd noticed fangs.
"By summoning me in this way, you may have lost..."
"I had a dream about Charlie."
"And how does that concern me?"
"You were in the dream. Charlie was around my age, I think, and he was fighting you, only it wasn't a real battle. You were in your warrior form and you were training him. I saw myself standing off to the side and there was a circle of salt near me. That's how I knew I had to summon you." His gaze was scrutinizing, looking for the truth in my eyes. "I am sorry, I didn't know what else to do."
He let me go and walked away, his anger cooling slightly. "So you wish for me to train him to fight against your grandmother's armies?" He turned and I nodded. "Against your sister?" I nodded again. "Against my own people?" This time I winced. It could be that I hadn't thought this through all the way.
"Maybe there won't be a war," I suggested with a shrug.
"If you truly believed that, then you would not have risked summoning me."
I huffed in exasperation. "Fine. Yes, I want you to train him to fight against the demons who'll come to kill him. Not all of demonkind, just the ones who want to kill him and Garrett and our friends and allies."
He tilted his head in thought. "And you believe that I will not be among those demons coming to kill you? Even though I serve your archdemon grandmother, the Bassilissa Naberia? You understand that she is my mother, do you not? I believe it was your sister who let that cat out of the bag."
I hesitated for a few heartbeats, then said, "I don't believe that you serve my...your mother."
His eyes widened. "You sound certain."
"You serve your own interests, Isaiah. And it's in your own interests to protect Charlie."
"Why would I risk my mother's wrath to protect your son? Of what use would he be to me?"
"I don't know. I just feel that you want him to live. I can't explain it."
My eye was drawn to him as he lowered himself gracefully onto the edge of the fountain, his eyes narrowing as he mulled over what I'd tol
d him. Isaiah, with those golden brown eyes, thick chestnut hair and a 6'6" lean muscled body was pretty much a rock star in the looks department. He even had the same bad boy temperament. Today I was hoping for his more reasonable side to make an appearance.
He crossed his leg, resting his foot on his opposite knee. "If I agree to train him, to serve my own interests as you say, I will expect a high payment."
"He's family. You're his great-uncle."
He shook his head. "I have over a hundred demon relatives that I care nothing for. Right now Charlie is an infant who only needs a warm bed, the milk you provide, and a clean diaper. I do not know what you expect me to do for him at this age."
"What age could you begin?"
He shrugged. "Six. If he's strong and smart, then perhaps five."
"How often?"
"Three consecutive days a month. I cannot be away from my home for longer because Mother will be suspicious. She expects me to be available to train little demon number two."
He was referring to my twin sister, Bridgett, who'd turned traitor and gone to the Demon Realm with our grandmother. I'd taken her in after the death of her father, the alpha of the Brownlow wolf pack, who'd been executed by Liam for imprisoning and torturing fae. Liam had wanted to execute her as well, but I'd pleaded with him to spare her life, creating a temporary rift between us which had just about broken my heart.
Bridgett had seemed to be happy, even falling in love with William, a young member of Garrett's nest. But when the Queen of Faerie showed up at Kennet's trial and killed Will in front of all of us, Bridgett flipped. She turned her back on those of us who'd helped her, vowing to return with an army to kill the Queen and any fae who got in her way. If any of us allied with the fae, she said she'd kill us too.
"So you'd come to my home to train him after his fifth birthday?"
"If I agree, then I will come to evaluate him at that time. If he is ready, then I will stay for three days. I will begin by teaching him to understand my language. Make sure that your seelie fairy friends teach him theirs."
"They plan to."
"And you? What will you give me in return, Jacqueline?"
His eyes were gleaming with orange streaks which meant he was still really pissed off. "What kind of payment do you want?" I fisted my palms, frustrated that my voice still sounded shaky. This wasn't a time to show any weakness.
A slow smile spread across his face. "In exchange for my coming to you to train Charlie three days a month, you will come to me three days a month. To my realm—to my home—to work for me."
"Doing what?"
"Oh, there is plenty to do." He grinned in a way that made me shiver.
"I won't have sex..."
"I have told you before that I am not drawn to you in that way. And I would never pimp you out, although it is a common practice in my realm to exchange favors for power. I will behave toward you as a decent boss treats a good employee. The work will be difficult and tiring."
"Physical labor?"
He laughed. "Please. I have servants for that. No, it will be mostly magical work. You are more than capable."
My mouth twisted into a frown. "Can you give me an example of what I might be doing?"
"No." This time the grin was impish, as if he was starting to enjoy the whole "Slave Jackie" idea. "Do you ever tell me what you want before you summon me?"
"Garrett won't like not knowing what you're making me do."
"That is a shame, but it is unavoidable." You could eat the sarcasm with a spoon. Isaiah and Garrett were not the closest of friends, to say the least.
"What if Bridgett or Grandmother see me?"
"They will not know you are there. You will stay in my compound. My security is excellent."
"Like a prisoner?' I asked.
"It is quite large and comfortable, but yes, if you insist. You will be a prisoner for three consecutive days a month. You will not be allowed out unless I tell you to accompany me somewhere."
"What's it like? Is it all—hot and sulfury?"
His eyebrows shot up. "Sulfury?"
"You know, stinking from—smelling like sulfur...brimstone?"
"Where do you get your ridiculous ideas? The movies? The Demon Realm is more beautiful than Faerie. In fact you may be able to meet some of the unseelie royalty while you are staying with me. The Goblin King occasionally shows up for dinner unannounced, and the Duke of the Slaugh, well, perhaps it is better if you do not meet him. He is a cad."
I rolled my eyes. Only Isaiah could use the word "cad" and make it sound normal. "So how do I get to you? Do you teach me how to travel there through the lines? You told me I have the ability."
He laughed and I didn't like the sound of it one bit. "Oh no, little demon. I am going to summon you, just like you did to me, only I'm going to do it every month for years."
I pouted. "How will I know when you're going to summon me?"
He narrowed his eyes. "I should tell you that you will not know and that it will be whenever I feel like it." He sighed in exasperation. "For now, I will be reasonable in this regard." He looked thoughtful for a moment. "In the afternoon between noon and one."
"That's reasonable? What if I'm holding Charlie or driving a car?"
"Did you think today about what I might have been doing when you summoned me?" His voice had deepened.
I looked down at my feet. "No." He was right. It never entered my mind. "I'm sorry. I should have."
"I recommend that every day during that hour you sit quietly and read a book, or go for a walk, or take a nap."
"I want the weekend off."
"Unacceptable." He was getting angry again.
"At least Sunday. C'mon, Isaiah, have a heart. I need one day where I'm not worrying about suddenly disappearing from the table in the middle of lunch."
"I'll only be summoning you once a month. Once you're home, you don't have to worry about it again until the next month begins."
I flattened my mouth in thought. "Well, we need to work around my schedule. If I'm on a job, or if there's a special event, then you can't have me tied up in the DR for three days straight."
He frowned. "When you are summoned you will present me with your next month's schedule. I will try to work around it, but I make no promises."
"Fine." I crossed my arms, pouting.
"And if you whine or pout while you are with me, I might keep you in your summoning circle for several hours."
"A time out? I'm not a two year old. Plus, I'm claustrophobic."
His entire expression changed, turning grim and reminding me that this was not the easy-going Isaiah I'd worked with in the past. He held all the cards. "Perhaps I am not being completely clear. When you are summoned, you will obey me. If you do not, there will be consequences. I will not ask you to do anything that jeopardizes your alliances or places you, your friends or family in danger. However, there will be things I will ask you to do that will make you uncomfortable. I will still expect you to do them."
"You'll ask me to kill?"
"No. I am quite capable of taking care of that end myself when necessary. You may ask to be excused from a duty, but only if we are alone. In front of others you will always behave toward me with respect and you will follow any orders I give you immediately and without question."
"Sure, Your Highness."
"And you'll leave your smart-mouth here in Crescent City. If you don't treat me as your superior in front of others, they'll expect me to punish you, which could be awkward for both of us." His wrinkled forehead made me hopeful that he didn't exactly relish the idea of punishing me.
"I won't kneel or bow." His anger was rubbing off on me.
"The usual motion will suffice." He moved his left hand to touch the birthmark that lay behind his left ear and nodded. Charlie and I also had birthmarks behind our ears, as did anyone with demon blood. "You may refer to me as Isaiah when we're alone but only "sir" or "lord" when we're not alone."
"And can I ask you questions while I'
m there? Can we speak together, or am I just another servant?"
He smiled. "When we are alone, you can ask me anything. But there will be many protocols to follow in front of the other servants or when I have visitors."
"But Grandmother..."
Will not hear of your visits." He looked me over again. "I'll disguise you with glamour to keep your identity a secret. A person staying in my home, unless officially designated as a guest, is considered to be my possession and thereby protected by me. If someone tries to hurt you, I have the right to kill them."
"Why can't you designate me as a guest?" That sounded much more appealing.
"Because it defeats the purpose of you coming. I cannot ask a guest to work for me. And in my world, a guest is responsible for his own safety. They have put themselves on someone else's turf, and so must watch their own backs. Guest is actually a misnomer. In my language the word is translated as visitor."
"Okay, I get it. I don't like it, but I get it." I tilted my head and asked, "Will you still be training me while I'm in the DR?"
"Always. The more you know the more useful you become to me."
"And I'll be safe?"
"I will protect you from any who might harm you. I swear this." I nodded, feeling relieved that we'd reached a bargain I could live with.
"Jacqueline Grace Fitzgerald Crawford Cuvier, do you agree to be summoned to my home for three consecutive days a month as we discussed, and to behave as I've described? The first summoning would take place on the days of my choosing after Charles' first three days of training between the times of noon and 1:00 PM."
"Yes, I agree, as long as you train Charlie beginning at age five or six for three days a month until he no longer needs you, which will be my decision to make. While you're here you will remain on our property and will behave as mandated by our last agreement when we invited you as a guest."
"I, Isaiah, agree. I will not require blood because you are nursing your son and still recovering from the birth, but this agreement is binding." I nodded. "Do not renege on this one, Jacqueline." The tone of his voice made it clear that I wouldn't get a second chance.